I don't have any money so leave me alone.
Age 34, Male
Too cool.
Testicles of Scandinavia
Joined on 7/25/07
I strongly disagree.
<a href="http://media.photobucket.com/image/funny%20ninja/JohnnyEsp123/funny%20pics/ninja.jpg?o=14">http://media.photobucket.com/image/fu nny%20ninja/JohnnyEsp123/funny%20pics /ninja.jpg?o=14</a>
So true!
heres something 2 put in the list
ninjas sometimes have cool looking ninja tigers and pirates have gay birds that can only talk and theres a reason way the birds say yaar to they say it when the pirates have sex with then they scream YAAAAARR
Uhm... I'll just put that ninjas have cooler pets.
ninjas can jump very high....
pirates smoke weed...
pirates got fucked up in pirates of Caribbean with Kraken
Ninjas don't have sex at all(better than having sex wit a goat)
women ninjas are hawt....
ninjas are small....
ninjas are often poor....
ninjas were nuked in WW2
-True, it's already on the list.
-False. They're not cool enough.
-False. Ever played DOA?
bad thing bout ninjas is Naruto(he stinks in all ways)
bad thing bout ninjas is also that Thy cant have relationships(like Jedi)
Rouges and Archers are cooler
I agree about the Naruto-thing. It's horrible. But I disagree with the other two. Rogues are usually ugly homosexuals and archers are cowardly idiots.
ninjas have bad names so do pirates
Bad names? Ninjas have awesome names, like Ruy Hayabusa, Rikimaru or Hamato Yoshi!
yea but the thing with the bird going YAAAAAAR is kind of funny if u think about it p.s radadadidaaaa
This is getting old, we want something new!
Like what? A new post?
i hate your opinions in every way possible...
thats wat ill do put so much happy in there head so they either kill them selfs or wait until ther head explodes XD
Way to go.